2016年7月10日 星期日

Many Good Reasons to go PVC-free

Many Good Reasons to go PVC-free


加拿大防癌主治醫生大聲疾呼: 別再使用PVC !!!

By Dr. Natasha Klemm, ND, PCN Co-Chair
娜塔莎博士克姆,ND,PCN 聯合主席 著文

In a large review of health and environmental impacts of plastics, polyvinyl chloride came out as the worst – a high volume material with carcinogenic ingredients, toxic exposures during manufacturing, use and disposal, and longevity as toxic trash in the environment.
塑膠帶給人們健康和環境的影響有許多研究與討論,其中,沒有比聚氯乙烯(PVC)更糟糕的 - 不論製造,使用和處置,都存在著高劑量的致癌成分。並留給環境無法分解的有毒垃圾。

Toxic Ingredients
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a plastic resin, made by repetitive joining together of vinyl chloride molecules or monomer. As summarized by the European Commission, PVC was first developed in the 1930s and production has dramatically increased since the 1950s to a current world production of more than 20 million tonnes per year. PVC is tough, weather, water and chemical resistant, and electrically insulating, but it is not stable when exposed to heat and light. Stabilizers, such as heavy metals lead and cadmium, are added to improve its stability and maintain its rigidity. PVC is made flexible with the addition of phthalates, such as DHEP (bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate).
聚氯乙烯(PVC)是一種塑料樹脂,由氯乙烯分子或重複單體連接在一起形成。歐洲委員會表示,PVC最早是在1930年代開發的,自1950年代生產量已急劇上升到目前全世界每年生產超過20萬噸。 PVC基本上是蠻堅韌的物質,它耐候,耐濕氣和耐化學性,同時也是電絕緣的,但暴露於熱和光時,它是不穩定的。因此穩定劑,如重金屬鉛和鎘,被添加以改善其穩定性和保持其剛性。而藉由添加鄰苯二甲酸酯(塑化劑)可使PVC柔軟,如DHEP(雙-2-乙基己基鄰苯二甲酸酯)。

Vinyl chloride is a known carcinogen, clearly associated with a rare form of liver cancer called angiosarcoma as well as brain cancer. The extensive review by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR) found that chronic low level exposure is also associated with degenerative bone changes, circulatory disturbances in extremities, skin lesions, and damage to the liver, spleen, lungs, immune and nervous system.

Stabilizers such as heavy metals also present environmental health hazards. Lead exposure impairs brain, nervous system, liver, bone and kidney development and function, while causing growth retardation, developmental and psychomotor impairment, blood and immune system toxicity and probably cancer. Cadmium is a known carcinogen, and exposure is also associated with developmental, neurological, renal (kidney) toxicity and bone fragility. Vinyl chloride manufacture has traditionally involved a mercury process, that remains a large source of this global pollutant.

Phthalates are known to cause serious health consequences. By interfering with testosterone production, they can cause irreversible effects on the male reproductive system, such as low sperm count and quality and undescended testes. The US National Toxicology Program Expert Panel linked DHEP with risks to human development and fertility. Other health risks with phthalate exposure include preterm birth and low birth weight, premature female puberty, ADHD, obesity, diabetes, impaired neurodevelopment, and asthma. Limited actions have been taken for children’s protection.

Vinyl chloride monomer and additives volatilize from PVC and cause, for example, the distinctive chemical smell released from a new shower curtain. Phthalates and toxic metals also cling to tiny dust particles that may penetrate deep in the lungs.

Children are Most Vulnerable

Children are particularly vulnerable to vinyl chloride exposure and its health consequences due to their developing brains and bodies. Infants start life “pre-polluted” due to exposure in the amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, and then breast milk. Pound for pound, children eat, drink and breathe more than adults, increasing their toxin amount. Children put toys and other objects in their mouth, leeching chemicals from the objects to their saliva. The highest levels of phthalates are found in the youngest children and in women.

Due to the clear and significant health hazards of PVC and its additives, toys containing some phthalates have been banned in the US and Europe. Canada has enacted regulations to limit the concentration of phthalates in children’s toys and child care articles. Since 1998, manufacturers of pacifiers, teethers, rattlers and baby bottle nipples have voluntarily excluded phthalates.

While the ban for toys lowers exposure for the very young, no phthalate ban has been placed on building materials in schools and playgrounds, as well as school supplies that are used every day.

The Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) recently conducted a study on common items bought during the back-to-school period at stores, such as Kmart, Payless and dollar stores. Backpacks, lunchboxes, 3-ring binders, rainboots and raincoats were tested for phthalates and heavy metals. The results indicated that 80% of the sampled supplies contained phthalates and 75% contained levels of phthalates that would be in violation of the US Federal ban for toys. Fifty percent of the supplies contained more than one phthalate, indicating multiple exposures. None of the products were labelled as containing phthalates. Forty percent of the supplies contained heavy metals, so this chronic exposure also poses a serious concern.

Despite the CHEJ study results indicating multiple PVC exposures in school supplies, many steps can be taken to reduce this exposure. Avoid products that are labelled “vinyl” or contain the universal recycling symbol with the number “3” or letters “V” or “PVC.” Many stores and companies offer PVC-free products, including Walmart, SC Johnson, Sears, Ikea, Target, Microsoft and Apple. The CHEJ has produced a helpful guide to help you choose PVC-free school supplies and materials to start your own PVC-free campaign. PVC-free is also being promoted in Health Care.

Natasha Klemm ND is a Toronto-based doctor and is co-Chair of Prevent Cancer Now.